Home Calculator eDPI Calculator

eDPI Calculator

eDPI Calculator

eDPI Calculator

eDPI Calculator: eDPI, or effective Dots Per Inch, is a metric used to quantify mouse sensitivity in gaming. It combines both the mouse's DPI (dots per inch) and the in-game sensitivity setting to provide a single value that reflects how far the cursor moves on the screen for every inch the mouse is moved. Understanding eDPI helps gamers find their optimal sensitivity settings, improving accuracy and control during gameplay. This calculator simplifies the process of calculating eDPI, allowing players to adjust their settings for better performance in competitive gaming.

How to Use the eDPI Calculator

To use the eDPI Calculator, first select the sensitivity type from the dropdown menu—either decimal sensitivity for games like CS:GO and Valorant or percentage sensitivity for Fortnite. Next, enter your mouse sensitivity value and DPI in the designated input fields. Click the "Calculate" button to see your eDPI result displayed in a table format along with a visual chart. You can clear your inputs and results at any time by clicking the "Clear" button.


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