Home Calculator Minnesota auto sales tax Calculator

Minnesota auto sales tax Calculator

Minnesota Auto Sales Tax Calculator

Minnesota Auto Sales Tax Calculator

If you're purchasing a vehicle in Minnesota, it's important to understand how much you'll be paying in sales tax. Minnesota imposes a sales tax on motor vehicles, which can vary depending on the purchase price and the county where the vehicle is being bought. Use the Minnesota auto sales tax calculator below to estimate the amount of tax you'll owe on your next car purchase.

Estimate Your Sales Tax

Estimated Sales Tax: $0.00

The sales tax in Minnesota is based on the purchase price of the vehicle, with a standard state rate of 6.875%. Additional local taxes may apply depending on the county. The tax rate in some counties may be slightly higher or lower, so it's always a good idea to double-check before making a final purchase.

By using the calculator, you can easily determine how much you will owe in taxes, allowing you to plan your budget accordingly. Keep in mind that other fees, such as registration or title fees, are not included in this calculator but may be applicable in your transaction.

If you have any further questions about Minnesota's auto sales tax or need more specific details for your area, don't hesitate to reach out to the Minnesota Department of Revenue or consult with your car dealer for more information.