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HCG Calculator

HCG Calculator

HCG Calculator

This HCG Calculator helps you monitor your HCG levels effectively. By inputting your HCG results, you can assess your health condition and track progress during pregnancy or other medical situations.

Calculate HCG Level

HCG Level Chart

  • 3 weeks: 5-50 mIU/mL
  • 4 weeks: 10-500 mIU/mL
  • 5 weeks: 100-5,000 mIU/mL
  • 6 weeks: 1,000-100,000 mIU/mL
  • 7-12 weeks: 5,000-200,000 mIU/mL
  • After 12 weeks: Levels decrease and stabilize

How to Use the HCG Calculator

To use the HCG Calculator, input your HCG value in the designated field and click 'Calculate.' The tool will provide insights into your HCG levels, helping you track your health status. The HCG chart aids in understanding what levels are normal during different pregnancy stages.

Pros and Cons of the HCG Calculator

The HCG Calculator is beneficial for monitoring hormone levels and aiding in medical evaluations. However, it does not replace professional medical advice, and results may vary based on individual circumstances. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.


What is HCG?

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It helps maintain the corpus luteum, which supports early pregnancy.

Why track HCG levels?

Tracking HCG levels can help assess the viability of a pregnancy, detect potential complications, and monitor health during fertility treatments.

How is HCG measured?

HCG is measured in blood tests or urine tests, usually expressed in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/mL).

What do low HCG levels indicate?

Low HCG levels may indicate a potential miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for accurate assessment.

What do high HCG levels indicate?

High HCG levels can indicate multiple pregnancies or potential abnormalities. It's essential to follow up with your doctor for further evaluation.

When should I check my HCG levels?

HCG levels are typically checked in early pregnancy, particularly if there are concerns about viability or other complications.

Can HCG levels fluctuate?

Yes, HCG levels can fluctuate during pregnancy. Regular monitoring is recommended to ensure they rise appropriately during the first trimester.

Is fasting required for HCG tests?

No fasting is typically required for HCG tests. However, follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding testing procedures.

What happens if my HCG levels don't rise?

If HCG levels don't rise as expected, it could indicate complications. It’s essential to seek medical advice for further assessment and guidance.

Can HCG affect menstrual cycles?

HCG can affect menstrual cycles as it is linked to pregnancy. If you are experiencing irregular cycles, consult your healthcare provider for evaluation.

Are there risks with HCG testing?

HCG testing is generally safe. Risks are minimal but may include discomfort or bruising at the blood draw site. Consult your doctor for any concerns.