Home Calculator Ideal Gas Law Calculator

Ideal Gas Law Calculator

Ideal Gas Law Calculator

What is Ideal Gas Law?

Ideal Gas Law Calculator: The Ideal Gas Law Calculator helps you determine the number of moles of a gas based on its pressure, volume, and temperature. This fundamental principle in physics and chemistry allows users to understand the behavior of gases under varying conditions.

How to Use the Ideal Gas Law Calculator

To use the calculator, input the temperature (in Kelvin), pressure (in Pascals), and volume (in cubic meters) in their respective fields. The moles of gas will be calculated automatically as you fill in the values, providing quick and accurate results for both students and professionals.

Temperature (K)
Pressure (Pa)
Volume (m³)

Moles of Gas Result


1. What is the Ideal Gas Law?

The Ideal Gas Law is a fundamental equation in chemistry and physics that relates the pressure, volume, temperature, and number of moles of an ideal gas. It is expressed as PV=nRT.

2. What does 'R' represent in the formula?

In the Ideal Gas Law, 'R' is the ideal gas constant, approximately equal to 8.314 J/(mol·K). It is used to convert the units in the equation.

3. Can the Ideal Gas Law be used for real gases?

While the Ideal Gas Law is a good approximation for many gases under standard conditions, it may not accurately predict behavior for gases at high pressures or low temperatures, where real gas behavior deviates from ideality.

4. What are the limitations of the Ideal Gas Law?

The Ideal Gas Law assumes no intermolecular forces and that gas particles occupy no volume, which is not true for real gases, especially at high pressures and low temperatures, leading to inaccuracies.

5. How is the Ideal Gas Law applied in real life?

The Ideal Gas Law is used in various applications, including calculating gas behaviors in chemistry, engineering processes, and even in meteorology for understanding atmospheric pressure and volume changes.

6. What are the units used in the Ideal Gas Law?

Pressure (P) is typically measured in Pascals (Pa), volume (V) in cubic meters (m³), temperature (T) in Kelvin (K), and the number of moles (n) is dimensionless, representing the quantity of gas.

7. What is the significance of temperature in gas laws?

Temperature affects the kinetic energy of gas particles. An increase in temperature leads to increased kinetic energy, resulting in higher pressure or volume, demonstrating the relationship between temperature and gas behavior.

8. How does pressure affect gas volume?

According to Boyle's Law, at constant temperature, the volume of a gas decreases as pressure increases. This inverse relationship illustrates how pressure and volume are interrelated in gas behavior.

9. Can I use the calculator for any gas?

Yes, you can use this calculator for any gas, but it is most accurate for ideal gases. For real gases, especially under extreme conditions, results may vary.

10. How do I interpret the results?

The result indicates the number of moles of gas present under the specified conditions of pressure, volume, and temperature. This value is crucial for chemical calculations and reactions.

11. What happens if I input incorrect values?

Inputting incorrect values (such as negative numbers for temperature) may lead to nonsensical results. Always ensure values are realistic and appropriate for the Ideal Gas Law application.

12. How do I reset the calculator?

You can reset the calculator by clicking the "Clear" button, which will erase all inputs and results, allowing you to start a new calculation quickly.